Peter's story of early onset alzheimer's

Season 2 - Episode 4

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Peter Berry has been living with early onset Alzheimer’s disease for the last 5 years.

Along with his wife, Teresa, he talks to Penny about his life.

Previously the owner of a busy timber business, after his diagnosis at the age of 50, he was no longer able to work. He had some very low times but having always been a positive person, he began to focus on ways he could help others and raise awareness.

His passion for cycling led him to undertake several challenges to raise money for young onset dementia and for dementia research, with his most recent adventure on a penny farthing.

You can follow Peter on facebook – Peter Berry Living with Alzheimer’s – and check out his website

This episode of Discovering Dementia was produced and presented by Penny Bell, with original music by Leila Mitwally.Please complete the podcast awards survey to give your views at and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, and rate and review.

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Debbie’s story – supporting and caring for mum living with dementia


Technology, design and dementia